Pouring oil to car engine.

What is Synthetic Oil and How Often Should I Change It? 

Some may say that the engine is the most important part of your vehicle, but the truth is, it isn’t the engine itself, but what runs through it that is the most important part of your vehicle. Most folks after reading that would think we’re talking about fuel, but in this blog, we’re here to talk about oil. Whether it’s conventional or synthetic, oil is vital to the function and health of your engine.

For decades, car manufacturers recommended what we now refer to as “conventional” oil. While it did the job, it needed to be changed often due to how quickly it would degrade and become non-functional.

To keep engine oil from degrading quickly, oil manufacturers turned to synthetic oil blends which degrade at a slower rate and even provide improved protection to the engine. Synthetic oil is far more refined than traditional oil, resulting in less engine friction, reduced sludge buildup, and even better engine performance.  

If you’re located in York or the surrounding areas and wondering when you should change your oil, you’ll want to read the rest of this blog! 

What is Synthetic Oil? 

Synthetic oil is an artificial lubricant designed to reduce friction and wear of internal combustion engines and replace traditional motor oil. Developed from chemically modified petroleum instead of crude oil, synthetic oil provides better performance by reducing friction and wear on your engine, far better than conventional motor oil can. Synthetic oil tends to degrade at a slower rate than traditional motor oil, making it an attractive choice to auto manufacturers attempting to keep their vehicle maintenance costs low.  

One of the best benefits of synthetics that often goes overlooked is its reduced impact on the environment. With synthetic oil usage on the rise, the world’s reliance on crude oil has decreased, thus reducing the environmental impact that oil has. If you want to reduce your vehicle maintenance costs, wear and tear, and environmental impact, using a synthetic in your car is the way to go!  

Why Should I Use Synthetic Oil? 

The use of a synthetic isn’t just about reducing your environmental impact or stopping the use of crude oil throughout the world, its best trick is increasing the performance of your engine! Synthetic oil is great to use in your engine, as it can withstand a wider range of temperatures, is more stable, and causes less engine sludge. Using synthetic oil also means your internal engine parts will stay better lubricated, meaning less wear and tear on your engine and better performance too.  

With a longer lifecycle, synthetics allow you to stretch the time between changes, as they last anywhere from 7,500 to 15,000 miles. This longer lifecycle means you can save money and not worry about your engine’s performance degrading or being at risk. If you own a newer car with a turbocharged or hybrid engine, using a synthetic is a must as these engines have higher compression ratios which cause extreme wear and tear. 

How Often Should I Change My Oil? 

Each vehicle and engine has different requirements for oil change intervals, but its been a general rule of thumb to change your oil every three months or 3,000 miles. These days, however, oil change intervals seem to be growing, with most manufacturers switching to partially or fully synthetic. Since synthetic oil takes far longer to degrade and can withstand higher temperatures, you should be able to stretch out the time you take between oil changes.  

With most synthetics manufacturers claiming to get tens of thousands of miles between each oil change, it’s easy to get confused about when you should be swapping out your oil. The best way to know when to get an oil change is to read your car’s owner’s manual, as it will list all the various service intervals needed to maintain your car properly.


